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8th Gillingham Scout Group

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Cubs is the third section of the Scouting movement, originally started in 1916 for younger brothers who wanted a 'look-in'. In nearly a century, the section has constantly evolved and adapted its programme and methods to meet the changing needs of each generation of young people, and these days admits girls as well as boys.

Perfect for children aged between 8 and 10½ years old, 8th Gillingham has two Cub packs. The Spartans, run by Dan, meet on Monday evenings between 6:30pm and 8:00pm. The Trojans, run by Sylvia, meet on Wednesday evenings between 6:30pm and 8:00pm.

Looking for badges and awards?

Details of badges and awards available for Cubs is available on the main Scout website here.

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Please note:

The registration sections below are for current members of the group to register for the website. If you wish to find out more about joining, please check contact buttons on the home page.

Register a Young Person

Enter your email address to register on the 8th Gillingham Scout Group website.

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Register a Parent

Enter your email address to register on the 8th Gillingham Scout Group website.

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If you have any queries about this page, or anything else to do with the group, then please click here

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